Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Who are "Normal People"?

I thought I would vent a little bit tonight. I worked the late shift tonight, so on the way home I decided to stop by a couple of stores to do some window/holiday shopping. Of course I had to look for some stuff for me. This is always an adventure. A lot of stores order items for normal people. These are the people of average/standard size! Obviously I'm not in that category. I think everyone must have short legs and short arms. I feel for female shoppers. I hear woman talk about having issues finding clothes that fit all the time; I feel your pain. I saw a few things I liked but when I go to try it on, I look like a little kid who's outgrown his clothes. Or the clothes swallow me. Just because you're tall doesn't mean you're wide! When I ask about something my size I'm told to check a company's or stores website. Thanks a lot why don't you have the stuff in the store?

Wow..the websites have items that might fit me (tall sizes), but there's an issue....you can't try anything on, you have to buy it and hope it fits! I did order a winter coat from the Gap.com; keep your fingers crossed for me. I know the internet is a great way to sell stuff, but offer some of the "irregular/non normal" sizes in the store. I think I've discovered if you're short or tall, good luck! If you want something that fits, you either have something made for you or have everything tailored! I don't think all of us can afford that. If you're lucky, you might be able to have something special ordered...who knows!

I also would like to know who designs some of the clothes out there? Do designers think people have huge heads now? Has anyone seen the necklines on some of the shirts lately? I thought the whole in the shirt is supposed to be big enough to get your head and neck through? I think I could slip a watermelon through some of the shirts I saw. I know our country is not the healthiest or smallest in the world, but is McDonald's and Burger King helping decide the size of clothes?

So, my night was somewhat frustrating. I realized the big shopping season starts next week. Winter is coming to Ohio (Snow is in the forecast) and I need some winter clothing. The good news is I saved money because I only found some shoes to buy myself. I also found some gifts for friends and family.

Good Luck everyone with your holiday shopping and personal shopping! =0 )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man you are so vain