I've been on a real big health kick and I'm trying to better educate myself. It's amazing what we are and aren't taught as we grow up. We have a blind trust in a lot of the products we buy, use and consume.
Check out this website-
COSMETICSDATABASE -when you get some free time. It's lists the safety of over 25,000 products.
A few weeks ago there was a national story about the chemicals in the plastic bottles and cans used to hold our foods and beverages. Last week I sat with Kelly on the sofa and watched Oprah with her. Yes, I watch Oprah (Take my man card away now)! The show was about saving the environment and going green. The show started listing chemicals in everyday products we use and how they can harm us. The show also listed several websites and products.
Kelly says Im "the researcher", so true to form I started researching more on the internet, in a couple of magazines and scanned through a book or two. All I can say is "WOW!"
There is so much out there we don't know about. Things that aren't safe, but are sold to make a profit. Why make something safe when you can use a chemical to make it cheaper to increase the bottom line.
I won't start preaching or telling people how to live their lives, but when you get a chance, do a search on the internet or in the local library on food additives. Also do a search on chemicals or safety or beauty products. Start reading the labels. You'll be amazed at what's in a lot of products. Hard to imagine that you would put something in or on your body if you don't know what it is. What if it's a know cancer causing agent. Would you still use it because it's on sale? Hmmm. Kelly and I plan to change a lot of our household products this summer!
Check out this website-