Saturday, December 10, 2005

New Year's Resolution?

It's getting close to that time of year when we start thinking about our New Year's Resolution/s. I looked up the definition online and found this link . Call it a semantics thing but I like to make New Year's Goals. I'm definitely a goal oriented person so I like having something to shoot for. No matter if you call it a resolution, goal, oath, promise, decree, declaration or pledge make sure you share this information with people close to you.

This year I started meeting with my friend Kyle. We would meet to share our personal and professional goals with each other. We would also share information that could help the achieve his goals. Everytime we would meet, Kyle and I had the pressure to prove to the other that we were working on our goals. Kyle and his wife moved to Virginia in August, but we still keep in touch through e-mail. I wrote Kyle once and he thanked me for reminding him about his goals. Kyle e-mailed me this morning to ask me how I was doing. I have to thank him for the little push. I set a lot of goals last December and I'm proud to say I met or surpassed a lot of them. I didn't recognize this until I wrote Kyle to give him a "progress report." While typing my report I started to think about 2006. I always plan to have a better year than my previous year. I also realized this year, it's hard to achieve your goals if you don't share them with people close to you. I read a book that talked about setting up a "dream team." This a group of people you trust and are there to help push and support you. I feel I have a strong "dream team" and by sharing my goals I had the pressure of not only letting myself down, but also letting down my support group. I truly believe you can't reach your goals if you keep them inside. If you're proud of something you have to show or share it with other people.

So, I end my ramble with this... While you're thinking about your New Year's Resolutions, also think about the person or people you're going to share this information with. Call them you're dream team and let them know you're asking them to help you with your resolutions. Type up or write up your resolutions and put them somewhere you can see them (just to remind) after that, give that same list to your "dream team" and ask them to remind you about or help you with your resolutions. Who knows they might ask you to do the same thing. Its amazing what you can do or achieve when you're constantly reminded about it, or you have help. Good Luck to everyone in 2006! Think positive! And make those resolutions realistic!


Setta B. said...

That's a wonderful idea. I sometimes have to be held accountable to someone else to follow through on some task. I already know who'll I ask. In the past, I've forgotten my resolutions by March. Just pitiful!!!!

Kyle said...

You have done a great job with your goals, Frank. Keep it up!