Friday, June 17, 2011

There's a snake in the car!

On Tuesday, I took our car to get the brakes changed. I was sitting in the waiting room working on my computer when I heard some of the employees talking. They were talking about a snake that got stuck in a guy's car. I'll admit that I was ease dropping, but who wouldn't.

I discovered the car was only a few feet away, so I went to investigate. I observed about eight people standing around a car. Some had camera phones, others had tools. The auto mechanics were literally taking a car apart. When I approached I was told to stay back. "There's a snake in the car, be careful." I told the group of employees I worked at the Phoenix Zoo and I would like to help.

At that instant one of the mechanics says, "We've got a zoo keeper here who can help us!" I far from a zoo keeper, but I have been trained to handle non-venomous snakes. As I got closer to the car, I talked to the owner. He told me his nine-year old son's snake got away from him while he was in the car. It slithered up into dashboard and wouldn't come out. It was a baby python and had been stuck inside the dashboard for about a day.

As we talked, the mechanics continued to take the inside of the car apart until they found the snake. Many were scared. I heard comments of: "will it bite me?" "I'm not getting bit by a snake." "I'm not getting near that thing." and "How did it get in there?"

The snake started to go behind the car stereo and make it's way towards the speedometer. That's when one of the mechanics got the radio pulled out and told me to get in there and get it. I reached inside the console and grabbed the snake just behind it's head. After that we untangled the snake from the cords and radio housing. I'll pulled the snake out and tons of photos were taken.

The owner thanked me, the mechanics and the dealership employees. Laughs were shared and looks of amazement were displayed. The snake was about 2 1/2 feet long. Nothing to big or dangerous. I was allowed to hold Isabella for a little bit as the car was put back together.

The owner left with the snake in it's pillow case. I waited for my car to arrive. When the car was ready, I got a nice surprise. I got a 10% discount. The reasoning? "Snake removal services"

Life is full of interesting adventures. I hope you enjoyed my adventure with a snake.

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