Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009 was some year! It was a tough and long year for many of us, including me! We can't change the past be we can make our future! A New Year begins in a few hours! 2010 is a new day and the beginning of a new decade.

I hope everyone has a great 2010, but we need more than hope. Hope just means you're waiting around waiting for something to happen! We can do more than that! We have to make things happen!

So, go out and make something happen! Have a great 2010 Everyone!

Be on the lookout for more blogs with more info, pictures, comments and advice! I promise to write more in 2010!

Thank you to everyone for reading my blog! If you have any ideas or thoughts on what I should write about in the future, please let me know!

Thank You!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

New Promo and Website

Just completed some new promotional material for "The BAD BAD Apples!" Also did an update to the website check out the site when you have time.

Thank you,

Here is some more information about us.

The BAD BAD Apples are on a global mission to inspire individuals to experience success!

Forming a friendship while working at Community Colleges, Frank Kitchen and Rodger Campbell assisted thousands of students and professionals on the road to personal and professional success. Challenged by these individuals, they developed the popular keynote "Are you a B.A.D. A.P.P.L.E?” What once began as a challenge has turned into an adventure that has taken them from college professionals to full-time speakers. Faster than they could have imagined, they went from writing notes on napkins to performing in front of audiences large and small.

They have a menu full of experiences that offer a taste of success to individuals and groups. Every interactive experience is designed to work as keynote, training session, workshop or consultation.

Invite them to your next event to find out why they believe B.A.D is a way of life!

Inspiration for 2010

Everyone is looking to make changes for the new year and become something they dream of becoming!

A friend sent this to me, so I thought I would share it with all of you!


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that
is manufactured in plants..
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009 .
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their
journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead
invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with His/her
mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems
are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like
algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree...

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends
will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change..
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come..
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not the least:
40. Please Forward this to everyone you care about, I just did.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Food Inc

I watch movies and read books when I'm on the road. This documentary was recommended to me. I'll give my review on it when I return from my trip!

On the Road Again!

I'm preparing to hit the road again! I'll be speaking at the following locations on the following dates. Please feel free to stop by and watch or hang out with me.

Thursday, December 3rd - Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, December 8th - Nestle Corporation, Solon, Ohio
Wednesday, December 9th - Nestle Corporation, Solon, Ohio

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Everyone Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with your friends and family! Eat lots of turkey and pie!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Adopt a Soldier

Hello everyone! With the holidays approaching fast, I would like you help spread the "Holiday Spirit!"

My sisters is serving in the United States Navy. She was recently stationed at the Naval Air Base on Whidbey Island in Washington state. The base is in a very isolated area north of Seattle. Melissa and her shipmates (airmen) won't have the opportunity to return home for the holidays this year. There is also a high probability that here will have to serve time in Iraq in the future.

To thank my sister and the rest of the men and women serving on her base an in her squadron, could you please write a note of thanks, send a holiday card or maybe a little gift. Anything would be appreciated.

I sent my first care package this week. Melissa has told me that she and others are fans of the following:

Apple Chips
Banana Chips
Any type of dried fruit
Chewing Gum
Crossword puzzles
Word Find books
Pistachios and other nuts
Towels and washcloths (navy issued ones are rough and not soft)

P.S. - Melissa is a HUGE animal lover, especially dogs and horses. If you have any questions about either write her a question. She managed a Animal Resort before joining the military. If you have photos or books, she'd love those too.

Please write when you can. Letters, cards and post cards make a big difference when you're far away from home.

For more information on the base click this link. Whidbey Island Naval Air Station

Here is the mailing address for my sister and her fellow service men and women

Melissa Kitchen
Barracks 8
3665 North Princeton Street
Oak Harbor, WA 98278

Thank you in advance,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. A time to remember all of the men and women who served or are serving in our armed forces to protect our freedoms. I've had my father, uncles, aunts and cousins serve in the military. Now my sister is serving in the Navy.

If you see anyone serving in the military today or in the future, be sure to say thank you, not just today but everyday.

Thank you!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Ouotes of the Day

Are you LIVING your dream?" - Kelly Duran

"Dress for the position you want to be in, not the position you are in!" - Scott Cummings

Monday, November 02, 2009

New Programs!

Exciting News! I have a new website, programs and shows!

My new website should be up and running in less than two weeks. Testing out the bugs before the launch. I'll post the address soon

I have written three new programs with my friend Rodger Campbell as a part of our BAD BAD APPLES programs.

I've also added new shows for my solo performances.

Here are the descriptions of the new programs:

Performed with Rodger Campbell as the "BAD BAD APPLES"

“I’m more than a Check BOX!” – Celebrating the truth of Uniqueness.”
(Diversity Program)

Every day we use labels created to help us understand one another; to explain ourselves; to identify our backgrounds, and to organize data. Do labels really define who we are? Do they determine what we can become? Does a predetermined “BOX” on an application define us? No! We are defined by the Legacies we create. This humorous and eye opening two-man show will challenge participants to rise above the labels and stereotypes; identify what creates negative self-attitudes; and discover the steps to needed to celebrate a life full of infinite possibilities. Join the BAD BAD Apples and discover how your beliefs, actions and determination can produce people who make history versus becoming history.

“Champions of the Game!” The People who Broke through and Rose above the Color Line!”

(Black History Month Program)

For centuries being Black in America has been negative and positive. More positives exist today than ever before. These positives exist because champions of the game accepted the challenge of making their dreams into reality. As African-Americans, the BAD BAD Apples use their own special “flava” to dissect and discuss the journey taken by the champions of the game. Come discover how champions make history and don’t become history!

“The TRUTH will set you free!” Breaking through and Rising above the Color Line!”

(Black History Month Program)

For centuries, Africans were enslaved in the Americas. TRUE! Being Black in America has been difficult. TRUE! History determines our legacy. TRUE! We (Blacks/ African Americans) will always be trapped by the color line. TRUE??? The challenge of African Americans today is to rediscover the truth of our people. Using their own special “flava,” the BAD BAD Apples will take audiences on a journey that will show there are more opportunities to “Rise Above” today than ever before. They have developed a playbook that will help people of color develop a winning strategy for this game called life. In order to “Break Through” the color line, we must know who we are, we must know the game, and we must know the Truth. Come discover the power in creating history not just becoming it.

New Solo Programs

“You want me to be a model?” – Real stories of an accidental model

In 2001 Frank Kitchen was "discovered" and accidentally became a model. Since that day, he has learned a lot about himself, the industry, clothing, photography and even how to apply his own make-up. Sit back and enjoy stories that will educate you on how to become a model; how to choose an agent; how to avoid scams; and truths and myths of the industry.

“Life is Funny!”

Having the initials FCK is just the start of a life full of funny stories for Frank Kitchen. Come enjoy an hour full of laugh out loud stories that are so funny it’s hard to believe their true.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Last weekend I was in Hamden, Conneticut to present at Quinnipiac University's 27th Annual Leadership Conference. I was there working with Rodger and we had a great time. It was nice to get back to the east coast and see the fall foliage.

Another fun part of the trip was catching up with our friend "Matt the Knife." He is a mentalist/magician/lecturer. His performances are amazing, so check out his site by clicking HERE.

Matt took Rodger and I out to dinner with his girlfriend and the food was WOW! If you're ever in Providence, Rhode Island, be sure to visit:

Geppetto's Grilled Pizzeria
57 Depasquale Square
Providence, RI 02903
(In Historic Federal Hill)

Be sure to sure to tell the owner Mike, that Matt the Knife or Frank Kitchen recommended the place.

Enjoy the pictures from the trip

Last weekend I was in Hamden, Conneticut to present at Quinnipiac University's 27th Annual Leadership Conference. I was there working with Rodger and we had a great time. It was nice to get back to the east coast and see the fall foliage.

Another fun part of the trip was catching up with our friend "Matt the Knife." He is a mentalist/magician/lecturer. His performances are amazing, so check out his site by clicking HERE.

Matt took Rodger and I out to dinner with his girlfriend and the food was WOW! If you're ever in Providence, Rhode Island, be sure to visit:

Geppetto's Grilled Pizzeria
57 Depasquale Square
Providence, RI 02903
(In Historic Federal Hill)

Be sure to sure to tell the owner Mike, that Matt the Knife or Frank Kitchen recommended the place.

Enjoy the pictures from the trip

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Help the Kids

Hello Everyone,

A friend of mine asked me to help his boss's son with a class project. The first grade class is trying to learn about the United States and the world. They are doing this by collecting postcards from around the country and the world. If you can, please help the kids with their project and send them a postcard. I've posted the information below:

This year, we are going to participate in a postcard project. Our goal is simple: by the end of the school year, we are going to try to collect a postcard from each of the 50 states. Foreign postcards are an added bonus! As we collect the postcards, we will be charting them on the map of the United States. Last year, we received 271 postcards from 50 states and 39 countries!

If you are willing to help out with our project, send us a note on a postcard to:

Mr. Clifton's First Grade
Dillsburg Elementary School
202 S. Chestnut Street
Dillsburg, PA 17019

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

Kelly and I have been trying to hit all of the restaurants from the TV Show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives." This past weekend we hit the restaurant called "Over Easy." They specialize in breakfast. The food was GREAT! The mint lemonade is AMAZING!

If you're ever in Phoenix stop and check out "Over Easy." If you're ever looking for fun places to eat at home or while you're on the road, be sure to check out the website for "Diner, Drive-Ins and Dives." It list all the restaurants that have been on the show. The links are below.

Over Easy
"Dinners, Drive-Ins and Dives"

Who is that?

I visited the doctor this week. Normal stuff. I wanted to learn more about my nutrition and diet, so the doctor hooked me up to the machine in the picture. The machine determined how my calories I burn and helped me figure out what I need eat to maintain my weight or gain weight in my case.

I was great to learn my about my body and how to take care of myself!

Back from another Trip

Morning sunrise in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Daytona Motor Speedway...look to the left of the picture
Micheal Vick Jersey's for sale in Philadelphia
Penn State Abbington Campus outside of Philadelphia. Dropped in to see my good friend Tracy.

Last week I took the time to see the entire country for a show in Pennsylvania. You have to love our airline system. It's hard to get direct flights, so you get connected all over the place.

I had a great time performing for the students of Albright University in Reading, Pennsylvania. I wanted to look for the Gosselins House (John and Kate +8) but didn't have time. To get there and I back, I had a flight from Phoenix to Philadelphia. I rented a car and heading to to Reading. Then I returned to airport for a flight to New Mexico to see my future in-laws. My flight took me to Florida then to New Mexico. After a day in New Mexico, I got in a car and drove home with my future mother-in-law to Phoenix. Some trip in only 3 days!

Here are a few pictures from my journey!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kelly and I are engaged!

This is what the ring looks like! We both decided to be less traditional then most couples. Kelly told me a I did a good job. It's her style and she really likes it!

Here are a few pictures from today's events. Thank you everyone for your "Congratulations" and well wishes."Kelly, please say Yes! In any language!"
Not the best picture, but it looks good to me!
The ring box, with a little note inside....
"I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you."
--Roy Croft
The decoy! Kelly saw this box first and wanted to know what was up. She was completely surprised!

Blog #500 kicks off a major moment/milestone/event in my life. This morning after a nice three mile walk with Kelly, I surprised Kelly. Yes, I asked her to marry me! She said yes! And now I have the biggest smile on my face. Her smile is pretty big too!

I kept things simple and our style. Before our walk, I told Kelly I need to go back into the house and get my allergy medicine. I was totally lying! I went back into the house to grab the ring and set-up a few other props/gifts for the big surprise.

I set them up in the living room and joined Kelly for our walk. When we got home, she walked in the front door and found a small gift box, two photo albums and several pieces of paper with a foreign (Non-English) words typed on them. When she turned around to ask me, "What's all this?" I was on my knee with the ring box open and my proposal ready to recite.

Things worked out perfect! This weekend is the third anniversary of when we first met. Today is 9-12-09. I didn't propose at 9:12 AM on 9-12-09 but I got pretty close. Just a little before 9AM. I gave Kelly a ring with 12 diamonds in it during the 9th month of the year. 9-12!

The pieces of paper has "Yes" translated into five different languages. The first photo album has pictures of me picking out Kelly's ring. The second album is a family heirloom. It's over 37 years old. It's a leather bound wedding album. It has my family history in the front (family tree, birth dates, etc). Then it has the normal wedding registry and guest sign in. The book is empty, so it's ready for Kelly and I to use for our wedding and our family.

I also included a special letter for Kelly. I write her a monthly newsletter describing our relationship. This letter was a special edition of the newsletter, expressing how much I love her and how happy I am she came into my life.

Today has been a great day. Lots of phone calls have been made. The ring looks great on Kelly. I look forward to a great future with my former girlfriend, current fiance and future wife! =0 )

Friday, September 11, 2009

Blog #499

I just had some pictures sent to me from Park University in Kansas City, Missouri. I was on campus to entertain and educate their Freshman class of 2013. Enjoy some of the pictures from a 90+ degree day in the hot and humid midwest.

Blog #498

I'm closing in on my 500th blog and I'm thinking of something really big to post. I want something fun, interesting and insightful. I have at least one more blog to think of something good.

If any of you have a great idea, please let me know. Should I post old photos? Reflect on the first 500? What?

Ok, I'm off to plan! Be on the look out for #500!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm a part of the "Smart Phone" Generation!

After years of fighting, I broke down this week and joined the world of "Smart Phone" people. I didn't invest in a "Crackberry", but I got something just as addictive. Yes, I have a Iphone!

I'm a big supporter of Apple products, but I couldn't see why people needed everything that a Iphone has to offer. Over the last year, I have weighed my options and done a lot of research. Blackberry, Iphone, stay with my ordinary phone? What to do?

After "playing" err....researching what all the phone companies have to offer, I stayed loyal to Apple. I'm loving the phone, but I barely know what I'm doing with it. The main reason I got the phone is because of my travel and my business. I have been stuck in a lot of airports this year without internet access. When I can get it, it costs an arm, a leg and my first born child. I've been in new cities everyday and just trying to locate the basics can become difficult. Plus I have to pack light. Who wants to carry a GPS, a Phone, a camera, an Ipod and a computer everywhere you go?

I've observed all the "smart people" over the last year. After being delayed for over 20+ hours on a flight home this summer, I watched several people (business and casual travelers) pull out their phones. The didn't just call work and family members. They started checking weather, booking new flights, ordering pizzas and booking hotels! Wow! One couple started watching movies. Technology is amazing.

So, be on the lookout for blogs from the road (literally). It looks like I will be attached to the grid 24/7. Hopefully I won't become like many of the people I see and start naming my phone!

More pics and more shows

Photos by
Grand Rapids photographer Tiberius Images

Here are a few more pictures to from my shows in August. There were sent to me by a photographer from Davenport University in Michigan. Enjoy!

Upcoming Shows:

September 16 - Albright College, Reading, PA

October 3 - Quinnipiac University, New Haven, CT

October 7 - Lorain County Skills Max, Cleveland, OH

October TBA - Nestle, Inc, Solon, OH

December 3 - Penn State University, State College, PA

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Five Simple Rules for Happiness

I was doing some house cleaning and came across a card with a little wisdom on it. Here's what was written:

5 Simple Rules for Happiness

1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries
3. Live simply
4. Give more
5. Expect less

Thank you!

Another birthday came and passed this weekend. I didn't do anything too crazy but had a good time. Kelly and I are fans for the show "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives." So, we looked up the website for the Food Channel show and went to two of the restaurants this weekend. It was a lot of fun. We went to a Mexican Restaurant that's located in a gas station. We also hit a BBQ joint that smokes their meats for over 20 hours!

All of the food was great! The other great part of the weekend was all of you! I want to thank everyone who called, text, e-mailed me or left messages on my facebook page. Thank you everyone and I hope all of you are feeling as good as I did when I got your messages.

If you would like to check out the website for "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" click HERE
The site lists all of the restaurants the show has visited.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

What a road trip!

Check out my room!
60+ Inch TV..really! Too bad I was only in the room for less than 6 hours!
Look what was in the parking lot for the Indy Car Race in Chicago
The Willis (Sears) Tower Covered by the clouds

Pigeons gone wild!
Union Station in Chicago
My train! Loved the fully reclining seats and only $40 cost to Chicago from Michigan

Thank you Grand Valley

Hello Everyone,

I just got back from ten days on the road! I love speaking and entertaining, but it's great to come home and have someone waiting for me. I love knowing Kelly is there to pick me up at the airport when I get back from trips. It would be great if she could come on more trips with me.

My latest adventure was a success. Lots of smiles on peoples faces including mine. I took a brief inventory of my trip and here's how it worked out:

Days on the road - 9
Airports - 6 ( Phoenix/twice, Columbus,OH/twice, Atlanta, GA, Newark, NJ, Grand Rapids, MI,
Chicago, IL)
Trains - 2 (One Amtrak and One Chicago subway ride)
Rental Cars - 2
Hotels - 5
Sofas slept on - 2 thank you Rodger and Scott
Airport delays - 2 overnight stays in airports
People entertained - Over 5,500
Suitcases destroyed - 1 - time for a new one, old reliable held up for almost 3 years
Miles traveled - Almost 7,000
Hours of sleep - Not much

My trip got off to a good and bad start. I took Kelly out for a date before I planned to catch a red-eye flight to Ohio for my first speech in Marietta, Ohio. That was the plan. Then mother nature decided to have a thunderstorm over the airport and my flight got diverted to Tuscon. When the plane got their, the airline discovered mechanical problems. GREAT! After waiting in line and entertaining several people with my talks (good practice) for several hours I was on a my way to Ohio almost 12 hours delayed. Once I landed, it was off to get my rental car and head to Marietta. I arrived just in time for my sound check. The show went great. I loved the balcony crew. The bed in the hotel room was perfect after my long travels.

The next two days were good because I was able to see some old friends in the Cleveland area. Took a little time to join my friend Rodger and his kids to see GI Joe. Fun movie. I liked it better than Transformers.

After my Ohio, visit, it was off to New York to speak to the students of Drew University. 600+ freshman in a field house! Wow! Good times! Didn't know if we would have a winner of the hula hoop contest. After that show, it was off to the hotel for 3 hours of sleep and a 4AM pick-up by my shuttle driver back to the airport. Let me type this now, the Newark airport has the most uncomfortable seats in the waiting area for you plane.

I landed in Grand Rapids for two shows. My wonderful agent Brooke and her daughter picked me up at the airport and dropped me off at DAVENPORT UNIVERSITY to perform with my friend Rodger. I typed that in caps, because several times I said Drew University when talking to the students of DAVENPORT. Talk about a "Southwest Airlines Commercial" moment.I wanted to get away. I have never done that before. I'll be apologizing for that mistake for a long time. No excuses. The campus was amazing and I had a good time with the students. Thank you for all the students who became friends with me on facebook.

After Davenport, it was off to the hotel to lay my head down for a few minutes and do some laundry. After that it was off to Grand Valley State University to talk/perform for over 3500 freshman! Wow is the only thing that can be typed. I can't wait to get copies of the photos and videos to post on my blog. Watching 3500 people do the Electric Slide with Rodger was amazing!

After several high fives and a good meal, it was back to the hotel for another 3 hours of sleep. Rodger was kind enough to drop me off at the Amtrak station at 5AM in the morning for a trip to Chicago. I arrived in Chicago to get my rental car and head to Romeoville to work with the students of Lewis University. I love the Lewis campus and the 500+ people at the program had a lot of energy and made my job easy. I can't wait to go back. The night ended with a nice conversation with the college president while eating ice cream.

The next morning, I was off to Jacksonville, IL to end my road trip with a show on Dating at Illinois College. Before my show I worked with the student Residence Hall Advisors on event planning and motivation. The group works HARD! The show that night was full of energy. The impromptu runway show during my show was a lot of fun. After that show it was off to the student center to join the students in a pizza judging competition. After that it was back to one of the best hotel rooms I have ever stayed in. I got booked in the "Ambassadors Suite" at a local hotel. When the TV is bigger than your bed, and you have a king size bed, you know the room and the tv are HUGE.

The next morning, it was back in the rental car for a 3 hour drive through the cornfields of Illinois to return home to recharge my batteries.

Thanks for reading. I'll post more pictures and videos soon. I'm off for a few weeks, before my schedule picks up again. Be on the look out for my upcoming schedule.

I'm also posting updates on Facebook and Twitter so look for my updates. Just look for Frank Kitchen on either.

Video of the stage during sound check at Grand Valley and my train ride to Chicago!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Working on New Materail!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm working on some new projects. I'm working on various relationship talks, articles and a book. I'm brainstorming for ideas and I would like your assistance. Please feel free to answer any of the questions below or all of them. Please include your name, age, and sex

#1. If you could teach the opposite sex one thing about dating and relationships, what would it

#2 What is the number one question you would like to ask the opposite sex about dating
and relationships?

#3 What is the most creative/fun marriage proposal story you have experienced or heard of?

#4 What is the most creative date you have ever been on?

#5 What is the most creative/special gift you have ever received or given?

#6 What are "deal breakers" for you when if comes to not pursuing or ending a relationship?

#7 Describe the perfect first date?

#8 What is the best way for someone to ask you out?

#9 What keeps/has kept you from asking someone out?

#10 Please describe the funniest/worst date you have ever been on.

Thank you in advance. Feel free to post replies here or e-mail me at

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On The Road

By the time August ends, I would have spent 6 straight weekends on the road. This season has started off really good. I'm really starting to find my footing and more comfort on stage. I have to thank all of the people who attend for their energy and feedback. I also have to thank my girlfriend for all of her early morning and late night pep talks on how to pursue my career.

I apologize in advance for the long breaks between postings. I'm organizing my photos and working on making more time to post. Be sure to keep track of me on Facebook and Twitter.

For those of you reading now. Look for me in New Jersey, Michigan and Illinois this week.

Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks. Speeches/performances in Cleveland and Kansas City.
Forest Fires in Northern Arizona
Park University Foam Party

Park University Freshman Orientation
NFL Star and Heisman Trophy Winner Eddie George
Me presenting in Cleveland. My intro, check out my baby pic and initials in the background
Attitude Adjustment Exercises (games) with the Tri-C Students