Wednesday, January 09, 2013


I was talking to my mom this weekend. And one of the things she she said to me was, "Don't forget to post a blog this week." That was inspiring to know my mom enjoys reading my blogs. She tells me they inspire her.  I'm going to thank her for her inspiration by posting 2 blogs this week!

Inspiration can come at unexpected times from unexpected sources.

Tonight I was inspired by a young lady. Her mom is a former student of mine and a friend. Rosanna posted a story on my Facebook page that is giving me the energy to stay up late to post this blog and work hard on making things happen in 2013.

Here is the story from Rosanna

Alexia's statement today. Mom there have been 3 important men in our lives that I looked up to and always joked they could be my dad. Frank Kitchen, Isaac Jams and Daniel Langfellow the carpet man. 

Me, what made those men impact you so much in a positive way? 

Alexia, they were funny, helpful, genuinely showed their personality, treated me with respect, showed value in hard work, never hurt or questioned me, supported me, each taught me something and made you laugh too. Thanks to my good friends for being 3 of the 5 positive men in her life! I wish there were more. 

All I can say is wow! I met the little girl when she was 3 and now she's a teenager. Never forget the impact you can have on peoples lives. You're action can inspire people and those people can inspire you!

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