Monday, February 28, 2011

More behind the scenes

I'm sitting in Starbucks working and decided to type a new blog. I still haven't found a name for my new behind the scenes blogs. It's exciting to think about sharing the fun and not so fun details about what happens off stage.

Today is a crazy one because I have to work on my business and craft, but I also have to "work" so I can pay the bills.

This past December I made the decision to part ways with my long time and only speaking agent. My business partner/speaking partner/friend Rodger Campbell also made the same decision. We started 2011 with a fresh start, but also put EVERYTHING on our shoulders. No agent to make calls for us, or set up speaking dates.

We've spent the last couple of months laying out plans and reorganizing. We've learned a lot about what we can do, who we know and what we need to do. I put a great quote on my twitter page this morning, "We all have strengths and opportunities." The quote means, we have things in life we are really good at and opportunities to improve on all the things we are not good at; have limited knowledge or experience with or just don't know how to do.

Speaking is my passion and now its my business. This will be what I do to live my life and pay my bills. I had to take a step back in 2011 to take a HUGE step forward in the future. Part of the experience has been living the life of a struggling artist. When I don't speak, I don't make any money, which means I have to find ways to bring in income.

In between speaking opportunities, I'm working two part-time jobs. I work at the Phoenix Zoo and I work for Bed, Bath and Beyond. Yep, pretty glamorous for someone with the goal to be an International Speaker. I would love to do more, but this economy has led to many of us checking our ego at the door. I'll admit that neither job pays all the bills. Definitely in survival mode. It helps to have a loving wife to assist me with the pursuit of my and now "our" dream.

I have to work 60+ hours a week at both jobs and any spare time is spent working on speaking. That leads me to Starbucks. Today I made a call to Rodger while driving to work at the zoo. The call was to discuss our "Things to do" for the week. I also needed to check his calendar to set up a conference call with a possible business client later this week.

Once I got to the Zoo it was time to do my work, but on lunch break I was able to confirm two speaking dates for August and talk to a friend about performing some consulting work as a speech coach. Now I'm in Starbucks, typing this blog and typing up some of the brainstorming ideas I shared with Rodger this morning. I'm using this hour to work, because I could be stuck in rush hour traffic. I'm just making the most of my time.

I'm going to get going. It's time for me to jump in the car to go spend some quality time with my wife who has been very patient with my "business." After that, I'll get ready for a 6:30 AM meeting I have Tuesday morning with two friends who I'm pursuing a business partnership with. Then I'll be off to the zoo for another full day of work, before I return to Starbucks again tomorrow to avoid traffic.

I hope you enjoyed this entry. I'll be sure to add some pictures, videos and more in the future.

If anyone is interested in having "The BAD BAD Apples" pay you a visit, please contact me. In the last week, I've confirmed dates in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Virginia this coming August and September.

Until next time, "Find people to work with versus working for!"

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