Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Inspired by Movies

 "42 - The Jackie Robinson Story"

"Wreck-It Ralph"

My sister recently gave Kelly and I a great gift. She gave us a date night. Being new parents, we haven't had a night where it was just the two of us since Elijah was born. Spending time together and knowing that Melissa wanted to help with Elijah was inspiring.

Melissa even gave us a Gift Certificate for dinner. After dinner we went to see the movie "42." The movie is about the life of Jackie Robinson. I do recommend seeing the movie.

That same week, we rented the movie "Wrek-it Ralph." I also recommend seeing this movie too. 

After watching the movies, I came away inspired. Both movies had great morals. The movies focused on what society expected the main characters to be. You witnessed the characters wanting to be something else but realizing that what made them different made them great.

Our life is our movie. We are the stars of the show. The movie doesn't need another star or actor to play our part, it needs us. We need to believe in who we are and what we can do. We have to stay mentally strong. 

In life, we often wish we were someone else. Why would you want to be someone else. Stop worrying about other people and worry about who you are and what you can do. Think about what makes you special.

I love this line from "Wrek-it Ralph." 
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be 
than me.

Go live a great life. To do that, focus on the last part of the line form the movie. There's no one I'd rather be than me! When you do this amazing things will happen. When you focus on others, you can't do anything to make you better and live your life.


I recently published my third book. I wrote with my friend and speaking partner Rodger Campbell. When you write a book,  you have to read it so many times during the editing process that you can get a little sick of your own words.

This book was different.  Every time I re-read the book, I did get sick, but it wasn't why you would think. The book is designed to inspire people to live the lives they "in-visioned." I was sick, because I wasn't following my own words. I told myself "You're not living your vision."

In the book, we have the comment that reads "Share the Vision live the Dream." It should read "Share the Vision...Live the Vision."  Rarely does a vision come true if you don't share it with someone. If you keep the idea only in your head, that's probably where it will always stay. When you don't see it happen, you will get sick.

That's me. My vision is to change people's lives in a positive way. I'm going to do this by speaking, entertaining and writing. I'm told I'm a confident person. Friends and Family tell me, "When you say you're going to do something you do it!"

That's where my problem starts. Lately, I haven't mentioned my vision or I just talk about what I want. I need to put my into positive and affirmative words. I shouldn't say "I want to do....." I need to say " I will do..." That my sound arrogant, but it's not.  You're saying to the world what you're going to do. You are sharing your vision. You're being clear and concise. People will believe in you and help you achieve it when they know you have the confidence to believe in it.

So, to my readers...I will blog more...I will turn my speaking and inspiration "hobby" into a adventure that more than provides for me and my family...I will educate, inspire and entertain people around the world...I will do this because I want to creative the positive environments everyone desires to be in...I will do this to help make the world a better place.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom

The biggest fan of this blog is my mom. She has reminded me lately that I haven't been posting much.

She told me how much this blog inspires her and keeps her going in tough times.

That put a big smile on my face. Thank you mom for inspiring me all these years.

Good times are coming soon!

Happy Birthday Mom! Wish we could be the to celebrate with you!

Hope you like this picture of your Grandson with your favorite number.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Who is Frank Kitchen?

Today is July 1st!

It's the middle of the year! 6 months ago I blogged about all of my goals for the year. 6 months later, I've accomplished a few of my goals and there are more that I am way off on, or won't have a chance to accomplish.

I could give up, but that's not what life is about. Why bother living if  you're going to just quit or give-up on things that are important to you.

Half the year is gone, but half the year is left. I'm refocusing, reviewing the goals I set and rewriting what I'm going to accomplish the next 6 months.

It's one thing to set a goal, it's another to set the goal and make a plan for that goal to happen.

One of my goals this year was to read more. To read one book a month. I am actually keeping up with that goal. One of the books I read was the "4:8 Principle - The Secret to a Joy Filled Life" by Tom Newberry. The book focuses on the bible verse Philippians 4:8. In short the verse and the book says we must feed what we focus on. If you focus on the negative, negative things happen. If you focus on positive things and things you want to happen they will. What you reap is what you sow.

One of the best parts of the book is the chapter that talks about motivating ourselves. It says we need to stop comparing ourselves to others and compare ourselves to only one person and this is our self.

That chapter has been a HUGE motivator for me lately. It's easy to quit on your goals when you compare yourself to someone else. You can make a long list of excuses of how someone else is better than you. When you compare yourself to you, watch what happens.

The book suggests you write down a list the things you do best and add the things that you want to do well. Then you look at that list everyday. This list is who you are. When you look at this list, you're seeing everything you want to be. You're seeing what you want to sow. It's amazing.

Here is the list I made for myself. If I'm not currently doing what is on the list, I work harder each day to be that person...ME!

  1. Frank is healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually
  2. Frank is a loving and supportive husband to his wife Kelly
  3. Frank is a loving and supportive father to his son Elijah and future second child
  4. Frank does what he says he will do!
  5. Frank has no debt and is financially independent
  6. Frank gives back to the community
  7. Frank lives a mostly vegan lifestyle
  8. Frank is a successful Entrepreneur 
  9. Frank has multiple business ventures including several with his wife Kelly
  10. Frank will have over 10 published books
  11. Frank is a well known and sought after professional speaker, entertainer and fundraiser
  12. Frank weighs 170-180 pounds
  13. Frank is world traveler with a passport full of stamps
  14. Frank and Kelly  get to make their own decisions and aren't forced into them
  15. Frank owns a house with his wife Kelly
  16. Frank finds opportunities to work with people and not for people. Win-Win Situations
That's my list. 16 is a special number for our family, so the list is great there. The list is who I want to be. It's a list I need to look at everyday to make sure I make my dreams and goals come true.

Monday, July 01, 2013

New BAD BAD Apples Video

Gearing up to fall. Looking tor speaking calendars and the first way to start is to produce new videos. Here's the first of several to come over the next few months. Enjoy.