Friday, November 02, 2012

It's a Boy!

On September 4th I got the best Birthday Gift ever! I went to the doctors office with Kelly for the sonogram that would let us know if our baby was healthy, growing and the sex.

It was amazing to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Then the utra sound technician let us know that everything looked good and strong. Then it happened...."HE" showed off his "STUFF!"

Our baby decided it was time to show off exactly who he was! We are going to be the parents of a bouncing baby boy!

The rest of the the check-up had our son showing off several time his boyness!

2013 is going to be an Amazing year when our first child is born in around the end of January.

What a great birthday. Time with my wife and learning we're going to be parents of a healthy baby boy.

1 comment:

Kat Carbone said...

Congrats to Frank & Kelly!!! Also to Granny Edie(long time waiting), Auntie Mimi & Uncle Jim-Jim.