Friday, September 03, 2010

Now HIring......Just Not You!

I'm sure the subject heading of this blog got some of your attention! We all know how bad the Job Market is here in the United States. You have a lot of companies and scam artist taking advantage of people. You have a lot of "experts" giving advice about how to find work. You have others on TV in their Ivory Towers telling "us" what to do......"Just go get work at Starbucks or McDonalds." The sad truth is those opportunities aren't available for everyone.

My speaking in many ways has turned into a "hobby" because of the economy. A lot of places don't want to put in the time and money to teach and make their employees better. So, I too have been forced to look for a "job." With all of my experiences, work ethic, personality, education and skills even I can't find consistent work.

During this experience, I've been observing everything. I first started taking mental notes. Now I take physical notes. I'm using these notes for my next program/ One Man Show. It's called "Now Hiring....... Just Not You!" I've been interview a lot of people about their job hunts. It's amazing all of the contradictions in the process. Job Fairs that don't have jobs; company's accepting applications, but not hiring; employers who need employees right away but have a 8-12 week hiring process. The list goes on!

If you would like to help me with my project, please e-mail me at with your best or worst story about your job hunt. If I use your story in my show, I'll give you a special gift. You can even send my the funniest job posting you've seen too.

Be on the look out for video blogs I post about my newest project. It will be funny and insightful at the same time.