Thats a question/conversation I've been having with a lot of people lately. I started to think about this tonight, when I was doing something to take care of myself. I was getting a massage tonight at the college tonight. The massage therapy program looks for volunteers for their students to work on at different times of the year. The massages are definitely relaxing and work out the kinks, and they're FREE!
While I was laying on the table I started thinking about how the hour to take care of "me" would help out in several other areas of my life. Work, friends, people I deal with, my health. I was reading a handout a good friend showed me last night and it listed things people could do to live more productive and healthy lives. My friend showed me his chart, and showed me how he barely did anything to take care of himself, but put a lot of his time and energy into work and other things. He was pretty stressed, run down, unmotivated and blah. He said "I really need to take care of myself, I don't have the energy to spend time with my wife and kids."
We started to talk, and I asked him what he did for himself. I've asked a lot of people this question. Do you look out for #1?
We had a speaker come to owork last year and she made a great comment..."People spend more time taking care of their homes, cars, material items, and work then themselves. You can get new job, new possessions, but you only get one body!"
Those comments, really make you think. You can't have healthy relationships, possessions, work, etc if you don't take care yourself. If you're not healthy mentally or physically you won't be able to take care of yourself or the people you care about. If you're not alive, you can't have possessions or a job.
Your life is the #1 thing you have, but we'll put more time and effort into work then ourselves. We hoard our vacation time making comments like "I can't take a vacation because I'll have a ton of work when I get back from vacation." We don't look out for #1. If you don't remove stress and negatives from your life, then you're crabby or act poorly around the people you're close too. If you don't rest, you perform poorly at work or other things that are important to you. If you don't watch your health, you can't be their for your significant other, spouse, family, or friends. It all comes back to #1!
Isn't it amazing how people will treat cars better than themselves. People will go get service on their car, but won't take time to go in for a check-up at the doctor. They'll get their car washed or top notch gas, but won't treat themselves to anything.
So, I hope everyone reading this will take the time to figure what they can do for themselves to make themselves happier, stressfree, healthier, more motivated, positive, etc. You can't do anything if you're not around to do things. Once you take care of yourself, you'll have a better chance to achieving all of your hopes and dreams!
For people who say their too busy or don't have time, think about this. You'll take an hour to watch your favorite tv show, but you won't take 20 minutes to work out. You'll get good gas for your car, but buy crap food for yourself at the store? Makes you say hmmmm!
Life is short, do what you can to enjoy it and live it!
Good Luck to everyone! Take care of yourselves and take care of the one thing you'll only get one of. Life..."You!"
Here are some random pictures I found while organizing some files on my computer! I hope you like them!

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