Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No money, no problem!

People are always complaining about what they don't have. How often do you here people appreciate what they do have?

We can never have everything and so many things can be taken away in a heartbeat including our lives.

A friend once told me that life is about relationships and experiences.

Times are tough. We never have enough money, but there are so many. things you can do on a limited budget.

I remember growing up near Washington DC and how my mom worked two jobs to pay the bills. She still found things to do with us. Weather we went to a park to play, visited one of the Smithsonian museums, spent time with friends or family she found something for us to do. Many of the things were free, but they gave us great experiences while building relationships.

Kelly and I have been doing the same recently. Instead of complaining about what we can't do, we've been finding things we can.

One recent adventure was free kayaking sponsored by our county. It was a fun day and our friend brought their kids along to celebrate their sons birthday.

Enjoy the pictures and go out and find something different to do. You never know, it may be free!

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