Monday, February 15, 2010


"You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential." Steve Garvey

Great Quote!

Every year I make a list of personal and professional goals. Goals are like dreams, we want them to happen but we rarely do all the hard work required to make the dreams come true. Many times, we don't share our goals with people because we too embarrassed! We are embarrassed to hear what other people think. We get embarrassed at the thought of not accomplishing our dream. We get embarrassed at the thought of people thinking we're crazy or our dream is too big.

The truth is, we need to be embarrassed not to share with the people. You never know who can help you make your dream come true or what advice you might get to make your dream come true faster. Many of us are afraid of failure, but the true failure is not to share our dreams! We can't make our dreams come true by ourselves. We need a lot of help and assistance along the way!

So, I'm off to work on one of my dreams for 2010. The most speaking jobs I've had in a year has been 30. My goal for 2010 is to hit 50 speaking jobs/performances.

If anyone can help my achieve this, please contact me!