Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Motivational Poem

I was cleaning up some stuff on my computer and came across a poem I wrote during a moment of creativity. Here it is:
Just Do It!

There’s a Nike slogan that we all know…”Just Do it!” is how it goes. Life is short and this slogan is good, that’s why I wrote this poem, because the slogan puts me in a mood.

You know what you want; you wonder if you can do it? Do you do the safe thing or do you go for what’s really calling you? You don’t know who to listen to; your mind, your heart; the people close to you? You want to be happy, but how much will it cost you? You only live once and you rarely get second chances. You’ll kick yourself later if you don’t just do it! If you really want what’s going to make you happy you better just do it or you’ll sit there stewing. Do your thing and listen to the song from your heart. Nothing happens when you sit around. Open yourself to new experiences, you never know until you try. Have the courage to do it. Get into action; take a step forward and do like Nike says and “Just Do It!”

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